Sarah & Baby Benjamin

 At 36 weeks pregnant I was advised that our baby was still breech and was scheduled for a Caesarean section. On the morning of the section I had a scan only to find that the baby had turned and was head down and engaged. It was somewhat surreal going in and coming home again still pregnant, having prepared for a caesarean section however I was so happy to be able to try birthing my baby without planned surgery.
I ended up being 12 days overdue and was booked in for an induction. On arrival 10.30am, 9th March, I was told I was 1-2cms and was given a slow release pessary to help get things moving. My waters ended up breaking a few hours later when we were evacuated from costa, within the hospital, as the fire alarms sounded. My surges increased and I was fully dilated quite quickly. I was actively pushing for hours and having been assessed by the doctor I was told I would need a hormone drip to intensify the surges. It was at this point I opted for an epidural. It had been discussed with the doctor that given how long I had pushed for that they may need to assist in theatre or potentially have a caesarean section. My beautiful baby boy was eventually delivered on the 10th March with the aid of forceps.
I originally went to Caron as I have suffered with really bad anxiety and hoped that it would help. I feel not only has it help during my pregnancy and labour but for every day life in general. I believe some people have a miss conception about hypnobirthing and believe it’s all about having a pain relief free straight forward vaginal birth. No one can guarantee this. What I learnt from it is staying calm and relaxed enables you to have your best birth experience. The midwives and doctors were extremely happy with my babies trace throughout my labour and I know this was due to being able to stay in control which I owe to the breathing techniques.



Helen & Baby Emmi


Jo & Baby Alba